Royal Star Turf Type Tall Fescue
Superior Turf Quality
Dark Green Genetic Color
Fine Leaf Texture
High Leaf Density
ROYAL STAR's dark green genetic color combined with fine leaf texture equates to an excellent turf quality. ROYAL STAR is ideally suited mixed with other Turf Type Tall Fescue, Perennial Ryegrass, or Kentucky Bluegrass adding characteristics that will enhance any turf situation.
ROYAL STAR will tolerate mowing heights of 1.5 inches.
Other Info
New Lawn Seeding Rates:
10-12 lbs/1,000 sq ft
Established Lawn Seeding Rates:
6-8 lbs/1,000 sq ft
Technical data herein is solely a compilation of observations from various geographical areas, conditions, and laboratory tests. Growing results, including varietal characteristics and performance, vary depending on region, climate, soil, seed enhancements, environmental conditions, local management practices and other factors. AMPAC Seed DOES NOT GUARANTEE growing success. Any technical advice by AMPAC Seed concerning the use of its seeds is given without charge. Therefore, AMPAC Seed disclaims any warranty and disclaims all liability for such advice.