Attention II Alfalfa
Improved Standability
Much Improved Forage Quality
17% Faster Recovery than Attention!
Adapted to 4-5 Cut Systems
Designed for Aggressive Management
Attention II Alfalfa is a high yielding, persistent alfalfa variety that carries StandFast™ Alfalfa Technology traits for improved standability and fast recovery after harvest. Attention II provides Improved Yield, Improved Standability, Faster Recovery after Harvest and Improved Forage Quality over and above our very popular and outstanding variety, Attention!
Other Info
Management Keys:
- Recommended for alfalfa growers who aggressively manage their alfalfa.
- More uniform distribution of yield across the season's cuttings.
- The Fast Recovery trait is expressed in the third crop of the seeding year if direct seeded
or in the initial cut of the first hay year if established under a nurse crop or if fall seeded.
This will allow less chance for weeds to get started.
- The Improved Standability trait will provide in-field protection against yield loss caused by
downed forage starting the year of establishment. Improved standability will allow for more
"harvestable quality" and allow the producer to harvest quicker after a wet period because
fields with standing alfalfa will dry faster than fields with lodged alfalfa.
- Best adapted to 4-5 cut systems across the traditional fall dorm. 4-5 production zones.
- Reaches Late-bud or Early Flower stage of maturity 3-5 days ahead of most fall dormancy
4 alfalfa varieties.
- For less aggressive managers, Attention II will express better standability in the field than
conventional varieties and experience less quality and yield loss due to downed alfalfa.
Click here for additional detailed information about Attention II.