Bromegrass Types
Prairie brome- Bromus willdenowii
Prairie brome requires higher fertility areas, performing best on drier, free-draining areas. Prairie bromes can be grazed, but do not tolerate frequent grazing without relieve and recovery time. Prairie bromes are extremely palatable, erect broad-leaved perennial grasses with superior growth during late summer, autumn and winter. They are drought tolerant, but will not tolerate set stocking. Therefore, they are best suited to controlled beef and MIG dairy grazing systems as well as hay and silage production.
Smooth brome- Bromus inermis
Smooth brome is less productive in the early years, but much longer lived than Mountain brome. Cultivars tend to be tall, erect, sparsely tillering, broad-leaved and they produce rhizomes. Smooth bromes are better adapted to severe cold climatic and mountainous conditions. They can produce large quantities of high quality forage through spring and summer. Smooth bromes are probably less productive in summer than orchard grass, but have higher digestibility and much less leaf disease. Bromus inermis is a native of Europe and Asia where it is widely used as a hay and grazing grass in areas of continental climates. Please click here to ask us for specific variety recommendations.
Mountain brome- Bromus marginatus
Mountain brome is a native to the Pacific Northwest of the USA. It is adapted to the intermountain parts of this region where it is recommended for short term pastures or hay crops. These cultivars tend to be tall, erect, and broad-leaved. The plants sparsely tiller and are non-creeping, thus they may lack persistence if grazed too frequently. Please click here to ask us for specific variety recommendations.
Meadow brome- Bromus biebersteinii
The primary use of meadow brome is for forage production. It is used for pasture, hay and haylage. It is highly palatable to all classes of livestock and wildlife. Meadow brome is one of the best forage grasses for use in the Northern states under intensive rotational grazing systems. Meadow brome can also be used for wildlife food plots and erosion control. Meadow brome can be grown under dryland conditions in 14+ annual precipitation regions of the foothills, mountains and irrigated areas. Meadow brome is one of the earliest species to initiate growth in the spring and makes tremendous growth during cool conditions. Due to deep roots and tiller base, it is capable of strong summer growth and regrowth following grazing or haying. It makes rapid recovery following mowing or grazing even during the hot periods of the year. Meadow brome is very winter hardy and produces well in areas with spring frost. Please click here for specific variety recommendations.