Bonar Forage Rape
Late Maturity
High Forage Yield
High Forage Quality
Preferred by Animals
Excellent Autumn Feed
Good Re-Growth Potential
Bonar is a late maturing forage rape with relatively short stems and large paddle-like leaves. A higher leaf-to-stem ratio gives increased utilization compared to Giant type rapes. Bonar can be sown where soil fertility and moisture is good, ideal for finishing stock over the summer/autumn period. It is a high yielding rape variety that can provide quality winter feed after crops, or can be used as part of a pasture renovation program.
Bonar has been used extensively throughout New Zealand and has consistently out-performed other commercially available brassica lines. It is resistant to powdery mildew. The improved animal preference and quality results in superior animal performance and increased animal production.
Other Info
Sowing and Establishment:
Sow Bonar at 2-5 lbs. per acre. Plant at 1/4" to 1/2" deep. Seed can be no-tilled into suppressed sod or seeded into a conventionally prepared seedbed. If tillage is conducted, let the first flush of weeds germinate, then till the field one more time to control weeds. After final tillage pass, firm soil with culti-packer, then either drill or broadcast seed. Following seeding, culti-pack field once more to improve seed-to-soil contact.
Bonar can be used in summer/fall and for winter feed. You can expect at least 2 grazings. It is a way to 'store' very quality forage to be fed when needed - during summer and winter feed shortages.
Grazing Management:
Bonar is a late maturing rape with the crop ripening about 13-15 weeks after spring sowing. Sowing date can be determined by when the feed is likely to be required. If summer feed is required, sowing should not be before the last week of April. If Bonar is to be sown for winter feed, then autumn sowing during August/September is suitable. Animals should never graze an immature rape crop. Mature Bonar is characterized by a purpling of the leaf margins and tips. Avoid the use of sulphate fertilizer, particularly where soil sulphate levels are high. A nitrate sap test is recommended prior to grazing to ensure safety of animals grazing. Break feeding or strip grazing will ensure good utilization of the crop and reduce plant damage. Back fencing will help to maximize re-growth potential. Suitable for all stock types.